Oxford Dictionary defines Transformation as a “thorough and dramatic change in form or appearance,” or “a metamorphosis during the cycle of an animal.”

This year I’m excited about the opportunity to look critically at my limiting beliefs and open up the possibility of transforming into a different, ideally more aware and intentional, version of myself.
While personal development expert Adam Quiney says growth is essentially building on what you have created in the past, transformation usually requires a breakdown—a complete upheaval of what you know as your current existence—that can then lead to The Breakthrough.
Growth feel safe. It involves the predictable and planned, the known, the certain, the sure. But transformation can be terrifying because it means letting go of the shore of certainty to enter the depths of the unknown; taking a huge risk for the possibility of creating something even more exciting, beautiful and aligned with how you want to exist for the blink-of-an-eye that is your time on this planet.
Here are a few examples of how I’ve transformed over the last little while and how I plan to continue to do so in the coming year:
-First off, you may have noticed that my blog looks a little different and that all of my previous posts have disappeared. To step into your new self you must be ready to lose your old one…This actually wasn’t my choice. In an embarrassing and unfortunate turn of events, all of the past lifestyle content I spent three years creating was deleted. Such is life. It hurt for a while but I have come to accept this loss and I am confident that it is meant to be and will lead to something greater.
This new version of The Editor’s Diary will be less about seeking external stimulation and sharing details about restaurants, travel and style and more about sharing the details of my inward journey with personal development, and sharing tools and resources for you to embark on a similar adventure, if you are so inclined.
-In 2022 I’m focusing on just five goals for the year; saying “yes” only to those activities related to achieving those goals and “no” to everything else. Let’s see what the results are.
-I’ve signed up for Orange Theory’s 2022 Transformation Challenge which involves hitting the HIIT classes 3 times/week for two months, and measuring the body fat changes along the way. Wish me luck!
-I’ve enrolled for a number of personal development courses including Landmark that promise to take a look at the ways I have been programmed during my upbringing by my parents and society. I will keep you posted on what I discover.
Tell me, have you experienced transformation in the past? And do you have a theme for 2022?